Wednesday, 19 June 2013

June 19 2013

I got a response back from our social worker today, gave me a happy moment.  Last time we sent her similar information she responded with a generic sounding email, this time she specifically said she has read my email, and that she'll be including it in our homestudy (when it finally occurs).  Here is our her response to yesterday's email:

Finally had a chance to read your email.  This is so wonderful!  You have both done a great job at researching adoption.  I really liked Andrea Chatwin’s response, it makes so much sense and is very clear. 
I will place this email and attachment in your adoption file.  I plan to highlight all this fabulous research (in your home study) that you have sought out as it will show a social worker how motivated you are to adopt J
And that you are people who can seek out information and resources when needed, which is so crucial when being a parent through adoption. 
I'm very glad that I attached the email from Andrea Chatwin, because it really does prove that we're trying to find information that she's asked us to look into.  The whole email had a very positive feeling with it.
Once again - on an unrelated note, I had a bracelet made in memory of the baby we lost, and in celebration of our son.  It's a beautiful leather double wrap bracelet, with our  son's name stamped on the first wrap, with his date of birth, and then the sentence "God will strengthen" on the second wrap, along with the day we lost our second munchkin (His birthday).  We decided it would help us to name our baby, so we named him Ezekiel (I felt from day one that it was another boy) and the name means God will strengthen.  I love love love it, and I feel that it helps with the pain that still rears it's head now and then.  I look forward to one day adding another bracelet with our adopted children's names!

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