Tuesday, 21 May 2013

May 21 2013

Another really great link about birth order:
The website www.creatingafamily.org seems like a great resource in general actually.  Lots of links and radio shows.  Pretty awesome information.

Cal and I have been thinking about doing some hands on research, in the form of looking after some "older" children a couple of times a week.  We know an eleven year old boy who could really benefit from having some time with our family, and we could really use "experience" with older children, so that the social worker doesn't say we're crazy when we tell her we're willing to adopt up to 13 year olds.  There's another 9 year old grandson of a friend of the family that we could also likely take on a couple times a week as well.  Maybe at the same time even - I wonder how well that would work? We're thinking of approaching their families and setting it up so that I pick them up from school a couple times a week, and we can drop them off in the evening after dinner. 

Had a great talk with my friend Rachelle tonight.  It's nice to have some sane people around to talk with now and then.  She's great, she lets me talk on and on about the adoption research I've been doing, and she is very uplifting and positive.  It is great to have a good (though currently small) support group.  We've only told our references about our plan to adopt so far, so I spend most of my time putting everything into the blog.  Rachelle and Rhoda are likely getting sick of me, because it's basically all I'm talking about with them right now.   The poor gals are my outlet, and I appreciate their support very very very much.

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