Thursday, 25 April 2013

April 25 2013

April 25 2013

Tonight we're taking our first webinar through the AFABC.  It is a two part course; one session is tonight and the next is next Thursday.  The title of the webinar  is "Transitioning children into Adoption".  Each session costs $17 for members (including fees). Here is the blurb from the website: 

"Foster and adoptive parents all have key roles in successfully preparing and transitioning children and youth from foster care into adoption. If you are a foster parent or a prospective adoptive parent, this two-part webinar series is for you!

Part One: The Process
Learn about the critical roles of both foster and adoptive parents throughout the transition process from the moment the child is registered for adoption to the final adoption decree in British Columbia. Includes the roles of various social workers, and the foster and adoptive parents during the adoption process. This live webinar will include questions from the online audience.

Part Two: A Transition Toolkit Learn practical strategies and tools for foster parents and adoptive parents to engage in a partnership to support the adoptee to settle more positively into their new family. This live webinar will include questions from the online audience. "

I'm looking forward to it. I really love all the different resources available. At the end of May/beginning of June there is a course on attachment that we're really looking forward to as well.

We looked over our Adoption Questionnaire again to make sure that we haven't changed our minds at all since we filled it out last month.  We still felt the same about 99.9% of the questions as we did before - which I think is great.   We made one minor change (Checked off one more box than we had checked off before) and both of us have signed it now.  We also filled out our consent forms for them to check out our background.  I believe all of our references are in now, so the last piece of paperwork  we have for this step (to the best of my knowledge) is the medical questionnaires.  We are mailing in our questionnaire & consent form along with a letter I wrote to go with it.  The letter says:

" We received your package with the adoption questionnaire, consent forms, and medical forms in the mail.  You had given them to us on our first visit also, and we have completed and attached everything except the medical forms.  Unfortunately our family doctor is away until the middle of May, but we wanted to send the rest of the forms to you in hopes that we can get further in the process while waiting to get the physician’s report completed. 

When you were away on holidays I asked the adoption co-ordinator about where I might find a schedule for the AEP courses (online or in person) and she sent a reply saying “There is funding for the North for a few AEP Self Study Plus courses. When your social worker is back touch bases with her and she can speak with her supervisor and have you added to the list. I think there will be a couple this summer.”  We are very interested in being added to the list.
Thank you very much for the work you do. "

I wanted to make sure she had this information in writing to help her stay organized with our case.  Hopefully we will get into the courses ASAP.

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