Sunday, 21 April 2013

April 21 2013

April 21 2013

We're back from a wonderful family vacation.  Cal and I went with his family to LA & on a cruise of the California coast.  I was pretty apprehensive to begin with, but everyone was on their best behaviour and it turned out pretty splendid. 

We arrived home to find that our books from the AFABC came.  They're due back on the 15th of May, so I've definitely got some reading ahead of me. 

We also received a packet in the mail from our social worker.  She sent us the same information she's already given us. Which frustrates me, but I have to be patient and understanding.  She's busy, and probably has a difficult case load. I'm going to be loving and patient and understanding.

I also read the adoption newsletter AFABC sent to us a few weeks ago.  There was a lot of information about the mothers who have given their children up for adoption.  It really made me think of the people on the other side of the equation - which was heart breaking, and very important for me.  God is showing us amazing things all over the place.

My friend has a sister that just gave birth to a baby.  This baby was immediately placed in foster care due to his mother being a drug addict.  She has asked that my friend take her child until she is cleaned up and ready to take him back.  My friend gives me updates as the process is proceeding (slowly) and I've been here to listen and try to help.  She has no idea we're in the process of adopting, and she has no idea how much the things she is saying and doing is helping me around every corner.  I think I'm doing a fair job of helping her as well, because I actually have first hand knowledge of how the system is to work with.  The Lord gives us such wonderful people and situations to help us through our life.  Seeing the pain in the family first hand is also very eye opening.  The child/children we'll be bringing into our lives will likely have families who love them and miss them as well.  It helps me to understand the idea of openness in an adoption more than I could ever have understood before.

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