Wednesday, 10 July 2013

July 9 2013

WAHOO! Signed up for an adoption conference in Calgary Alberta today.  It's on November 8th and 9th, and we're registered.  I got so excited I didn't really think about the fact that I should really get my work holidays approved before I registered, or maybe set up childcare (We will either have to leave Elliott home with somebody, or bring someone along with us to watch him). The cost for the two days, for both of us is $180, and that includes an extra conference and lunch on the Saturday.  I read rave reviews about last year's conference in Vancouver - I hope this years is as good.  The "Waiting to Belong" is an initiative of Focus on the Family - I grew up listening to the radio show on and off.  Last year Russell Moore did  a session, I would like to hear him speak live one day.

Now, if only the AEP registration would open up I'd be able to stop worrying about missing the September session! Both Cal and I check the webpage several times a day (several is an understatement for me....) Reading the "Registration Coming Soon!" over and over again throughout the day might be driving me a bit insane (Short trip!!)

I've been discussing openness with an adoptive parent friend the last couple days via email.  She asked me what I think about openness, which made me really have to think and attempt to vocalize my thoughts (ok, write them...same difference) my response went a little something like this: "Before I did any reading on the subject I felt pulled towards closed adoption.  I think the way adoption  is portrayed in most books and movies led me to feel that way.  When I started researching and reading I felt strongly pushed towards openness.  Then my friend's sister's baby was born, and was taken by the ministry, and I learned from a real family what openness can mean.  I put myself into their situation, by imagining that none of their family members were emotionally or financially able to take on the baby, and therefore he was place for adoption and we were able to bring him home with us.  How could I keep him from having a relationship with these grandparents and aunt & uncle & cousin, and half brother, who love him dearly?  At the same time that that was going on I received the Focus on Adoption magazine for the quarter, and it was entirely about openness.  I'm sure when we have a placement we will have struggles and doubts, but right now I'm very much an advocate for openness.  I really believe a person's history is important, and they should have all the facts - the information is theirs, so it should be available to them from an early age (All the information, described age appropriately)."

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