Friday, 26 July 2013

July 26 2013 Instant Mom by Nia Vardalos

Instant Mom by Nia Vardalos was spectacular.  I read it in three days and loved it.  Nia's (Yup we're on a first name basis now...we'd totally be best friends if we met ;)) writing style is easy and comedic.  The book was interesting and entertaining - she was really able to tell you about her struggles, without getting to personal, but yet you could feel the raw emotions that she had.  I'm pretty impressed with the book.  I often wonder when I'm telling "our story" if I am sharing to much information, or giving to many details.  Nia walks the line with grace and dignity - which is pretty impressive for a movie star *grin*.  I'll admit I've never actually watched anything that she has acted in (Okay, that's a lie, I just IMDB'd her and found she was in three episodes of a favourite sitcom....I don't actually have any recollection of her in it) but I know that many people know who she is.  She's using her fame to push boundaries and get the word out about adoption - I totally respect and applaud that. It's amazing that she stepped outside her comfort zone to share as much as she did.
If you're lady that went/is going through infertility, and you've started considering adoption, but have some fears or competing emotions - read this book.  It really may benefit you.  Can you love a child that you never gave birth to? Yes, fiercely.  Will an adopted child fit in your life? Yes - That's why the homestudy is so intense, so that a placement is not just a crap shoot. 
I like this book.  The author is real, she's open, and she's relatable. 
I paid $17 for the book at Wal-Mart, and unheard of amount for a book for me - I'm a total clearance book shopper.  I'm glad I bought it, I'm going to lend it to people, I'm going to read it again, and I really feel like it was worth every penny. (I still don't think I could buy it for the cover price of $29 though!)

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