Sunday, 31 March 2013

March 31 2013

March 31 2013

Listened to FamilyLife Today with Dennis Rainey “Strategies for Parenting  adopted children” and “Adopting Deborah”.  Also listened to two of three broadcasts of the series “adopted for life” with Russell Moore.  They were spectacular.  I very very much related to Russell Moore.  They struggled with infertility, and in that struggle he battled with coveting, and jealousy, and pride.  It’s amazing to know that there are other people that go through very similar journeys.  His book in available through AFABC, and Cal and I have already agreed it is the next book we’ll be requesting.  His approach to parenting and parenthood mirrors the way we want to raise our children.
All the references have confirmed that they’ve received their packages, except Andre.  I think he’s pretty busy this weekend, so we’re not going to pester him until later this week to see if he has received it. 

I'm glad that both Cal and I are doing so much research.  Everything I read just helps to re-affirm how much we want to become parents by adoption.  There will be struggles, this won't be a fairy-tale - but neither is raising a biological child.  The struggles will likely be a whole new unexpected kind, but God will prepare us and guide us through them all.

Our adoption social worker gets back from her holidays this week.  We might go bug her on Wednesday. 

Friday, 29 March 2013

March 26, 28, 29 2013

March 26 2013

I ended up emailing the adoption coordinator to ask about the education program, and our options.  I don't mean to be impatient, and I hope the social worker doesn't feel I've gone over her head. This is the very promising response I received from her:
There is funding for the North for a few AEP Self Study Plus courses. When your social worker gets back touch bases with her and she can speak with her supervisor and have you added to the list. I think there will a couple this summers. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with!!


March 28 2013
Rachelle let me know today that the reference documents arrived at their house!  I was not sure the social worker would have mailed them out before her holidays started.  I’m SO glad they went out before.  Now I’m super sad that we weren’t able to get in to see the doctor before he left for his vacation L  I know the two don’t seem like they are related in any way, but I’d really like to go back in when the social worker returns from holidays and be able to say “HEY! All our references are in, here is our adoption questionnaire and our medicals.  What’s next?”  I want them to know we are SUPER SERIOUS.
March 29 2013
Got a call from Rose at AFABC yesterday confirming the loan of the three books I ordered.  She’s just waiting for one to be returned before she sends them off.  She wanted to make sure we knew how it worked, and she needed a credit card so that she could include a return prepaid envelope to send with.  Which I was SUPER excited about, because I am lazy, and I was worried I would procrastinate and they would end up being sent back super late.  This was I have NO excuse to not send them back in time.  I hope they arrive before our holiday in April.  My phone unfortunately died during the conversation and I have no idea how to contact Rose to apologise but we were at the very end of the phone call.  I hope she understood what happened.
Talked to Alan and Rhoda about the reference as well.  They said that the form was pretty straight forward, and even plan on dropping it off instead of mailing it, so that it is received sooner.  Rachelle also said that she started on it!  What wonderful people we have in our lives!

March 25 2013

March 25 2013

 Our decision has given me a sense of real peace over both our fertility issues and our miscarriage.  (2 Thessalonians 3 discusses God giving us HIS peace…read it this week, it was awesome)  The decision to adopt while we still know that it is a choice, not a “resort” feels absolutely like the right thing to do.  I am confident in the knowledge that we could achieve another pregnancy with the use of Chlomid again, if that was our wish, but we both feel very strongly led to adopt a “Waiting Child”.  We know the very real challenges that come with this decision, and we’re willing and ready to learn, search, pray and find resources to guide us with whatever children God gives to us. 
I’ve requested 3 books from the AFABC, which I’m really looking forward to reading. 
Another thing I wanted to write in this here journal is that the feelings of longing and jealousy that I used to get when seeing a newborn, or pregnant lady, have dissipated.   We want to achieve parenthood again, not pregnancy.  I’m lucky and glad that I was able to have that experience, but it isn’t required for me to love a child.  I love my friends children as much as I love my own nieces, and I KNOW that a child that is placed in our care, who we help choose, and who is chosen for us, will be loved by both of us as much as our own son is. 
I’m not saying that I’m no longer sad about our miscarriage, but we learn every day that everything happens for a reason.  We knew that God would strengthen us through the loss of our baby Ezekiel.  The name Ezekiel means exactly that “God will strengthen”.  We may have needed to go through that experience to make us ready to leap into the next phase in our life.  I’m SO excited about this step, the process involved, the people we will meet, and mostly to meet our new children.  I want them with me now, but understand that the steps involved are there to protect these children.  I’ve started praying for the children we will receive (and the other waiting children). 

I talked to Cal today about using our people resources.  I want to talk to Alan and Rhoda’s friend Joyce and her family.  They’ve adopted 10 children, and I would love to speak with her about it.  We know that the process is only just beginning so we’re thinking about having the whole family of 12 over in the summer for a barbeque.  I’m not sure if I’m patient enough to wait that long, so may try to sneak in a coffee date with just her before then.  I also look forward to discussing blended families with Cal's parents.  I think that they will be resources to utilize as well.

March 22 2013

March 22 2013

Had an amazing talk with Cal last night while snuggling Elliott.  He woke up crying and I’d just gotten him back to sleep.  We talked about adopting the waiting children verses trying to adopt an infant.  Neither of us feels that we need to have the child or children from infancy to love them as much as Elliott.  Some of the literature the social worker gave us about fertility and adoption really didn’t apply to us, or we think we’ll be able to deal with it well because of the situations we have been through, and because of our faith.  Cal has such a skill set from being adopted by Brennan; he’s so healthy and adjusted! Something Cal said that made my heart melt and made me fall in love with him all over again was “I won’t grieve the loss of not holding them and raising them as infants; I’ll feel for them that they don’t get to have that”.  I asked him when he felt Brennan became his dad, and he couldn’t even remember – He was so young (7) he felt Brennan had always been his dad.  I’d really like to discuss Brennan’s feeling and thoughts on it.  I want to fill our house with photos of our children, and artwork and school work all over the fridge.  I want them to come to me with their hurts so that I can hug them and help them.  I really think the Lord has made us ready.
I talked to the social worker again this morning, because we had more questions, mostly about the education portion.  I asked her about the dates of the April session, and unfortunately the first session is the 10th of April, (The day we leave for our cruise), the following sessions the dates worked out well.  All 4 sessions have to be taken in order as the following sessions may not be put on by the same administrator.  She also made sure I knew that the people in the courses are ones that have been waiting longer to take them.  I tried to explain our eagerness as excitement to begin the process, I believe she understood.  I also asked if there would be any courses in person that we could take instead of the webinars.  She said they occasionally come up in other towns, like PG.  I told her that we would like to hear of anything like that, because we are very willing to travel. 

Our doctor will be away for the month of April and beginning of May, so I asked if his replacement would be good enough for the medical questionnaires.  Lana said to wait for Dr. Watt to return, as we have to wait for the paperwork to “trickle” in anyways.  I assume she means the references and criminal record check. She also mentioned that not many adoptions, nor much of the process, happen during the summer.  I was very surprised by that. She said that not many prospective parents even want to do anything in the summer due to vacations and holidays and camping.  I feel she may be saying that from a place of…not ignorance, but not understanding…maybe?  If other prospective parents are like us, now that we’ve made the decision, we would love to have our kids home already.  I want their hurts and fears to stop and the healing to begin, as soon as possible.  If the children we end up with tell us that the year before we adopted them was awful, it will break my heart, because there is no reason they shouldn’t already be with us.  I’m resolving to be persistent, but try not to be a pain in her ass.  And if I need to I’ll send off an email to the coordinator to see if she can help us get into the education sooner.

Also found and read a helpful on going blog about “Monica’s” adoption and the process they’re going through. It fascinates me that the steps they’re going through differ a bit from the steps we have been informed about.  They had a lot of information from their adoption coordinator, whereas we only heard from ours to get the information to contact our social worker.  Monica certainly has a lot of the same thoughts, fears, hopes, and dreams that I have.  We may be a similar personality type ha-ha.
In my ongoing research I found this website which I found informative. It discusses RAD

March 21 2013

March 21 2013

I’ve started weaving dreams of the children we will adopt.  The thoughts are wide ranging, but one in particular stands out. I was thinking about how our families will adjust to any adopted children that come into our home and how they will be treated.  While I believe that they will be accepted there is a tiny worry that they won’t be treated the same as Elliott is.  I told Cal the other day that if our adopted children are not treated equally to our biological children, that the offending relatives will be removed from our lives.  Our immediate family comes first no matter what, and these children will be brought up as our own in every way.  I’ll keep praying for guidance in this next step of growing our family.  I love these children already, in spite of not knowing who he/she/they are. 

The social worker called and asked to meet with us.  She said we could meet tomorrow, or we have to wait until after Easter (April 2nd) I talked to Cal, called her back and asked to meet this afternoon.  I think we're really going to have to work on patience through this process.
Meeting with the social worker was great.  She asked us our history; why we were looking to adopt.  She explained the process to us (again) and got us a package together as well as filled out criminal record checks for us both.  We had taken our adoption application with us that we had already filled out online, and she accepted it, and said that she would open our file.  Unfortunately the educational portion of the home study is in April, and the course is fairly full already, so we may not be able to start the process until September.  She gave us literature on fertility vs. adoption and a magazine from the AFABC (Adoptive Families Association of BC). She recommended that we become members of the AFABC, which we already have done. 
We stopped by the church after our meeting to ask Mara if she and Davin would be willing to be references (a formality, as we already had them down and had turned in the paperwork)  She said a resounding yes before we ever told her what for, and she was excited for us after we explained why.  We then came home and I called Rachelle to ask her the same question.  She also answered yes before I was able to tell her what we were planning.  She exclaimed that she had goose bumps and was over the moon excited for us.  “A girl after my own heart” she said when I explained that we were looking at the Waiting Children list rather than infant adoption.  What amazing friends we have.  We tried to call and Skype Andre, but were unable to reach him. 
Went to see my brother and sister in law Alan and Rhoda to discuss everything with them.  They also agreed to be references for us before we told them why.  It is nice to know that everyone thinks so well of us :)

March 20 2013

March 20 2013

I received the phone call from the adoption coordinator for our region today in response to my email. She explained the adoption process and gave me the phone number to a local Social Worker with Ministry of Children and Family development.  I called this morning and left her a message.  I also called this afternoon and got her voice mail again.  Tomorrow I’m hoping Cal and I will drop in at MCFD and see if we can speak to her in person.  We also signed up for a membership with Adoption Families of BC (AFABC).  They are an amazing resource for all things adoption.  They have a library that members can access and request books from.  They pay shipping one way, and the borrower pays the return shipping.

The Journey Begins

March 19 2013

Cal and I have discussed adoption from very early on in our relationship.  I’ve always had an idea that fertility may be an issue for me, and I shared that with him from the onset of our relationship.  Being the wonderful person that he is, Caleb told me that children by adoption would always be an option.

After several months of a fertility drug we conceived Elliott, and he was born in May of 2011.  We were over the moon to have a wonderful fun loving child in our home.  We decided that we would like to have more children, and began the treatments again when Elliott was a year old. 

When we began the process again, we discussed that if we were not pregnant by March we would look into adoption to grow our family instead.  During the second month of fertility drugs we conceived again.  We miscarried our son Ezekiel a month later at 8 weeks pregnant.

The pain of losing our second child was hard to bear.  The loss of our dreams for him and the plans we already had were very hard.  I struggled with the thought of ever trying to conceive again. My grief was, and still is, very real.  Five months after losing our child I realized that in spite of the pain I was thankful for the time we got to spend with our baby.  The road to healing has begun.

March arrived and in the back of my mind the idea that if we had not achieved pregnancy by now we would be looking into adoption kept creeping into the forefront.  I had many reminders to prod me into thinking about adopting children.  One day I was watching a Christmas video with Elliott in which there was a child that had been adopted.  I later watched every bonus feature on the DVD and there was an advertisement about adoption.  I got down on my knees and prayed to God asking him that if had adoption in mind for us, that he would push us further in that direction.  Later that afternoon when I was driving to pick up Cal I heard a song over the radio, by Steven Curtis Chapman (an adoptive father) singing a song about Christians taking care of orphans.  I smiled to myself and said “Thanks God, I’ll see what Cal has to say”.  That evening I blurted out to Cal in the middle of an unrelated conversation “I think we should adopt” He responded with “Ok let’s”.  That started us on the road to growing our family by adoption.

Caleb dropped me off at work the next day and I hopped on the BC Government website to find the steps to adopting a child or children.  I stumbled across the BC Waiting Children Bulletin and began reading all the stories of the children waiting for a home.  My heart broke for these kids and I resolved to do everything I could to provide our home to as many as we can handle. 

I fell in love with a sibling group of four – Jeremy, Desmond, Neil and Leah.  They range in ages from 7 -2.  While financially it is unlikely we could take on four children these are the children I would choose to bring into our house if I could. 

When Cal came to pick me up I had printed all the children’s stories (there are literally hundreds)and handed them to him.  He read through and picked out the children that he felt would best suit our home. He choose a sibling group of two boys 7 & 6 and two girls 7 & 6, as well as a 12 year old girl who loved to travel.  I wish that I could pack them all up and bring them home with us. 
That evening I emailed the address, asking them for more information on the adoption process.

Monday morning I had a response which gave me the name and phone number for the adoption support coordinator in our region, as well as additional information on the adoption process.
I called, the local coordinator, on my lunch break.  I had to leave a message and am now waiting her to respond.