We received the course description and outline, as well as the course expectations. The course expectation is kind of funny. One of the main points is that you are required to talk and share stories about any trauma you've experienced - then later on down the page it lists some Red Flag behaviours such as "The sharing of previous traumas or experiences with fellow participants or the facilitator". While it's pretty funny that it is so contradictory, it also makes me nervous - what if they decide we're unfit to adopt because of a silly comment or something we say?
I've been having a bit of anxiety lately that we'll get on some blacklist and none of the children's social workers will want us to adopt the children they're protecting. Not sure where the anxiety comes from, because I really can't think of any reason why we would end up on any such list. I think I'm borrowing worries for no reason. I mentioned the anxiety to my manager at work and she said that I'm feeling that way because I'll be perfect for adoption. That was a nice little ego boost.
I found a document on Choices Adoption Agency Website awhile ago - It is called a family map. This is the blurb from the page:
A family map is a lot like a
family tree. The map shows your parents,
your brothers and sisters, children, former spouses and anyone else who lives
with you now.
Please draw your family map
showing your parents' generations in one row across the top, your generation in
the middle row and your children's in a row across the bottom. You might want to turn the page sideways to
give you more room for long rows.
You can find and download the form here: http://www.choicesadoption.ca/resources/forms.phpOne last thought before I sign off for the day is that I notice quite often I say things like "You are SO your father's child" about our birth son. I wonder when we'll get to say things like about our adopted children. With Cal being adopted as a young boy, I do know that the kids will pick up some of our traits - I wonder how long that takes to happen? Maybe that's a question for his Mom to answer for me. I'll try to remember to ask her.
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